2017年克羅埃西亞發明展-銀牌 - 2017年12月04日週一


2017年台北國際發明暨技術交易展 - 2017年10月26日週四


2015年高雄發明展-金牌 - 2017年10月26日週四


2014年馬來西亞發明比賽榮獲銀牌獎週三 YOUNG-AN Mineral Tech joined Malaysia Invention and Design Society rewarded silver 2016/06/01 Wednesday - 2016年06月01日週三



全省經銷商募集中 Distribution recruitment in Taiwan- 2012/08/17 Friday - 2012年08月17日週五

熱傳導率低 : 0.132W(m.k),不怕太陽西曬,有效阻隔熱源,可減少冷氣壓縮機的運轉,就可節省能源、亦可省電費。寒流來襲時,室內可保持恆溫及阻隔溼氣,創造舒適的室內空間。
隔音效果 : 獨立圓球氣室,有效降低42分貝,平均值(RW值),比4吋磚牆好,阻隔高頻音更有效果。
吸水率低 : 純水泥製造,吸水率12%,不含有機物質及石膏成份,具有防潮效果。
內材重量 : 是全球最輕的卜特蘭水泥磚,重量約6KG/片。
施工 : 輕隔間組合式工法,縮短工期,進退場快速,工地乾淨。 重量 : 台灣領先全球之技術,最輕量化的卜特蘭水泥磚。密度比重為0.45,可減少建築物承載重量。

Thermal insulation and fire retardant partition (Heat resist 1000℃, fire retardant 2 hours, and acoustic insulation42 db) Solve sultry problem of factory building and keep indoors temperature constant. Low thermal conductivity: 0.132W(m.k), Portland acoustic insulation brick can withstand western exposure and block heat effectively and reduce A/R compressor operation to save energy consumption and electricity bill cost. As cold wave approaching, the brick can keep indoors temperature constant and block cold air to create a cozy environment. Acoustic insulation: Individual air cells can reduce 42db and the average performance (RW value) is better than 4 inches brick wall. Moreover, it’s more efficient to block high radio frequency Low water absorption: Pure cement tech manufacture with 12% water absorption, it contains no organic and plaster substance to have moisture control effect. Volume weight: The lightest of cement board in the world and the weight is 6KG/pcs. Construction: Partition assembly method, shorten construction period, convenient construction and environmental friendly. Weight: Global leading-edge technology and the lightest of Portland cement brick. The weight gravity is 0.45 so it can reduce building loading capacity. Welcome to join us if having interest for our products.

超強革命性阻熱、防火隔間牆 Innovative thermal insulation and fire retardant partition wall-2012/07/13 Friday - 2012年07月13日週五

本公司卜特蘭水泥磚,又再一次挑戰成功。於2012年7月,8.8CM牆體通過TAF台灣 / 中華民國財團法人建築中心,測試通過,超強阻熱、防火 2小時 / 1000度 背溫2小時(1000度 / 89.3度)

Portland acoustic insulation brick with 8.8cm wall has passed TAF and Taiwan Architecture and Building Center test for fire retardant 2 hours and heat resist 1000℃. Back temperature 2 hours (1000℃/89.3℃). We expect every experienced customer to support us.

漂浮在水面上的水泥磚 Floating cement brick above water-2012/04/02 Monday - 2012年04月02日週一

卜特蘭水泥磚特色 熱傳導率低:0.132W(m.k),不怕太陽西曬,有效阻隔熱源。 吸水率低: 吸水率12%。具有防潮效果。
內材重量: 是全球最輕的卜特蘭水泥磚,重量6KG/片,減少建築物承載重量。 隔音填充材:有效降低42分貝平均值(RW值),超過4吋磚牆效果

The cement brick has the effect of thermal resist, acoustic insulation, thermal insulation. It also can block firing for 1 and 2 hours to increase the chance of escape and save. Application: The cement brick can be applied in various fields including cathedral mezzanine, indoors partition and ceiling thermal insulation. Applicable object: Architect, designer, construction company, building company and iron worker Applicable scope: Roof top addition, factory building mezzanine, indoors thermal insulation mezzanine, Office mezzanine, suite mezzanine, Karaok, building renovation and container house. Portland acoustic insulation brick features: Low thermal conductivity: 0.132W(m.k), Portland acoustic insulation brick can withstand western exposure and block heat effectively. Low water absorption: 12% water absorption for moisture protection. Volume weight: The lightest of cement board that can reduce building loading in the world and the weight is 6KG/pcs. Acoustic insulation: Individual air cells can reduce 42db and the average performance (RW value) is better than 4 inches brick wall. Construction: Assembly method, shorten construction period, convenient construction and environmental friendly. Portland cement brick is a new model of product with integrated operation from design to finish status and continue to develop, invent and improve products’ disadvantage based on market demands. Also, we expect to have a chance to cooperate with architects, designing company, construction company, building company, iron worker, interior decoration company and plastering company. YOUNG-AN Mineral insists on the concept of sustainable operation and serves our customers with sincere attitude. We expect to obtain your support through our efforts.

卜特蘭水泥磚適用及規格Portland cement brick applicable scope and specification-2008/05/15 Thursday - 2008年05月15日週四

尺寸規格:長60.6 寬30.3 厚度:6.8cm 長60.6 寬30.3 厚度:8.8cm

Portland cement brick applicable scope: Indoors mezzanine, floor, roof building thermal insulation, raised floor , kitchen, bathroom and oven. Features: It has good fire retardant, acoustic insulation and thermal insulation. Specification: 60.6cm(L) 30.3cm (W) 6.8cm (T) 60.6cm(L) 30.3cm (W) 8.8cm (T)

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