永安礦物科技實業有限公司 YOUNG-AN Mineral Tech Co., Ltd 專營:卜特蘭隔音磚、節能磚,輕質水泥灌漿。實心輕隔間、室內隔音隔間、室內防火隔間、輕隔間、灌漿輕隔間、隔音 牆等工程。吸音設備材料、機械。挑高夾層,明架天花板,暗架天花板。鍛造門窗欄杆扶手,鍛造採光罩。
Business scope: Cement grouting, acoustic insulation brick, cement grouting acoustic insulation, fire retardant wall, acoustic insulation suite, partition, light partition, solid light partition, non-organic partition board, acoustic insulation board of fire retardant storey, energy conservation acoustic insulation board, seaweed powder, forged door, forged staircase handrail, fire retardant partition board, partition board, lightweight steel frame, ceiling, forged handrail, forged light-absorbing shade, forged door lock, forged boutique, forged window, wall handrail, forged art door.
地 址﹕新北市五股區民義路二段52巷2之7號
Address: No.2-6,Ln.52,Sec.2,Minyi Rd., Wugu Dist., New Taipei City
電 話﹕886-2-2296-1989 傳 真﹕886-2-2296-1399
Telephone: 886-2-2296-1989 Fax: 886-2-2296-1399
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